What is the smenso API (also: smenso Integration API)?
The smenso API is an application layer that allows other applications to read and update data from a smenso workspace. For example, tasks can be created and updated in this way, among other things.
Who can use the smenso API?
Currently, all regular accounts (administrators, members, restricted members, read-only members, and guests) can use the smenso API and have the opportunity to create their personal API token.
Why use the smenso API?
Several use cases are conceivable for the smenso API, for example:
- Creating a new task in a smenso project when a record is created in another system (e.g., from an external form)
- Programmatically importing data from another source
- Creating projects from a third-party system
The API endpoints are only active in workspaces that have subscribed to the Enterprise Feature "Integration API".
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