Attachments are added to the system via the task entry screen. Three methods can be used to do this:
1. Select the + icon in the entry screen under the Files area. The Windows Explorer will open and you can select the desired file and upload it by clicking Open.
2. Select Browse (highlighted in blue) in the entry screen under the Files area. The Windows Explorer will open and you can select the desired file and upload it by clicking Open.
3. Use the drag-&-drop function to drag files into the entry mask. It does not matter where you drag the file. The complete entry mask recognizes that it is a file that you would like to add.
Please note that option 2 can only be selected once. If a file has already been added, the search is no longer possible. If you want to add several files, you should select option 1 or 3.
You can display all files that have been uploaded and linked to a work package/task. To do this, select Files from the menu.
The following information is displayed for the files:
- Type
- name
- Changed
- Uploaded by
- project name
- Linked in
- Size
The files can be individually deleted or downloaded.
To do this, click on the three-point menu at the end of a file line and select the desired function.
Alternatively, you can check the box at the beginning of a line and execute the desired function to the right of the table.
Ein Upload von Dateien ist in diesem Bereich nicht möglich. Diesbezüglich müssen Sie in der Erfassungsmaske von Aufgaben die Datei verknüpfen.
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