smenso offers the possibility to use an existing Microsoft business account to log in to smenso.
There are many advantages to using this login method instead of creating another user with a password. In companies, the Microsoft 365 business account is often used by employees as central authentication for various internal services.
Do you want to take advantage of this benefit and use the same Microsoft 365 account to log in to smenso as well? No problem!
The following prerequisites must be met:
- Your organization must have purchased the license for the Single Sign-on add-on "Microsoft Entra ID (SSO)" in smenso.
- Your organization must have a Microsoft Entra tenant.
- You need an active Microsoft Entra ID account including an email address.
Once the add-on for integrating Microsoft Entra ID (SSO) into your smenso organization is activated, the login method is available as the third option.
Now, a newly invited team member can use this login method when creating their smenso account. For this, select Continue with Microsoft Entra ID
when creating the account:
In the next step, you will be redirected to the familiar Microsoft login page, where you need to enter the password for your Microsoft Entra ID account. Then, provide your first name / last name.
With that, the wizard is completed, and you can now log in to smenso using your Microsoft Entra ID email address and password.
Changing the login method to Microsoft Entra ID (SSO)
Do you already have an existing smenso account, use email address/password to log in, and would you like to change the login method to use your Microsoft 365 business account in the future?
➡️ Please read this help article.
Grant Consent / Permission
During the sign-in process with Microsoft Entra ID, you may encounter an intermediary request asking for permission for smenso to use your Microsoft account for future sign-ins. This permission must be granted to proceed with the process.
Information for Microsoft 365 Administrators:
The Microsoft Entra ID sign-in method is an integrated feature in smenso, meaning no additional configuration is required in your own Microsoft Entra tenant from an administrative perspective. Once the sign-in method is activated in smenso in terms of licensing, it is immediately available, and users can use it as a sign-in method.
A useful setting that a Microsoft Entra administrator with appropriate permissions (at least Cloud Application Administrator) can make is to globally grant the above-mentioned consent for all Microsoft Entra ID users in the tenant, to avoid confusion among users during the sign-in process. Follow these steps:
Initially perform the sign-in with Microsoft Entra ID (SSO) using an email address of a Microsoft Entra ID administrator who has at least the Cloud Application Administrator permission; global administrators will also work. During the consent request, as a Microsoft Entra ID administrator, you will see an option (checkbox) to grant consent for the trust relationship between our application and your Microsoft Entra tenant for all members of your organization. Check this box and proceed.
For more information on granting consent, refer to the Microsoft help pages:
Grant tenant-wide admin consent to an application - Microsoft Entra ID | Microsoft Learn
Configure how users consent to applications - Microsoft Entra ID | Microsoft Learn
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