Portfolio Timeline
Keep the overview 👀
Past, current and future projects as well as sub-projects and the corresponding tasks in an overview? This is possible with the Portfolio Timeline. Keep an overview of all projects, their progress and associated tasks. The familiar functions from the project-oriented timeline are also available in the Portfolio Timeline - and a few more. View workloads from filtered projects across the board, adjust timing changes, and check on deadlines - for all your projects.
Timeline Updates
Compress Timeline
There must be order ☝
In a schedule, many tasks can be somewhat confusing. For this reason you can now compress the display of the tasks. The tasks will then be lined up as close together as possible. To do this, select the button. Especially in combination with the workload view, the compression can be used for the overview. The same function is also possible in the Portfolio Timeline.
"Mini-Map" for better orientation
Better than any compass 🧭
In both the Portfolio Timeline and the project-oriented Timeline you can now use the mini-map for better orientation. It shows the area of the Timeline where you are currently located. You want to quickly jump to another area? Then simply click on the desired area in the mini map and the view will jump there immediately. You can hide the mini-map by clicking the button in the upper right corner of the timeline.
Optical note: Adjustment of too high load
Tadaaaa 🎉
The employee is overworked? Adjust the workload in the timeline by assigning this task to another or more resources, or postpone the task to a later date. If the workload is within the green range, this is visualized by a visual indicator.
"Hot Zones" at the edge of the screen
Left-Right-Right-Left ◀▶
You like to click through the application and use only the mouse? Then from now on use the Hot Zones located at the respective screen edges. You can navigate step by step to the right or left.
Minor improvements
The devil is in the details 😈
- Second time scale (month/year)
An additional timescale in the timeline makes it easier to assign tasks.
- Workload graph scrolls with
The workload graph scrolls in the workload view - in this way you can keep an eye on the workload for a variety of tasks.
- Fold in/out of the control elements
The control elements can be folded in or out in the timeline - when more space is needed.
- New grouping: by milestones
The timeline can now be grouped by milestones.
Activity stream in tasks
Everything comprehensible 🤗
The activity stream tracks the most important events of a task. In this way, it is always possible to track who made which changes in a task and when.
Revised comment function
Comments can now be sent simply by pressing the "Enter" key.
In addition, they are now provided with a name and time stamp as soon as a user publishes them.
Revised "My upcoming tasks" widget
The widget "My soon due tasks" in the home area has been revised. A clear assignment of the tasks to the different projects, the status, the due date, as well as the priority and file attachments are now displayed.
Sending the URL of a task
Inform your colleagues ✉
The URL of a task can now not only be copied, but also sent directly. This function can be called directly in the three-point menu of a task tile: Send Link.
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